8/17/2016 31 Comments WelcomeThis is the Digital Citizenship Assignment blog. Every day/week you will find key information and reminders about classroom assignments on these blog entries. I will do my absolute best to keep this updated and relevant. You will visit the assignment blog every day the minute you get seated and begin reading about your assignment for the day. Today is the first day of class and we will be going over the basic layout of Weebly (the web program we will be using to publish on the internet), and how to begin working on your website. We will start with themes, fonts, photos, and initial publishing. Before we get to any of that though, please do the assignment below. 1. Please respond to the following question (using the comments field) in a way that shows your critical thinking skills and thoughtfulness (1-2 paragraphs: 20 points). What is the internet? What is it for?
8/23/2016 02:43:08 pm
the internet is a place where you could search things up for like homework ,news,video games,videos and more
8/23/2016 02:44:28 pm
I think the internet is for people who are interested in going online and exploring an infinite amount of things. The internet is an advanced way of searching up things in a more efficient way. The internet allows people to do numerous things like researching, playing games, watching videos, getting on social media and other stuff this generation is interested in. The internet is for people who like to do stuff. By stuff, I mean anything really. The internet is meant to be used in a more technological way to look up stuff like I said before.
8/23/2016 02:45:22 pm
You use the internet to sometimes get information and look up somethings that u really dont understand and the internet helps you with that. The internet can also help u with your location on were u wanna go maybe for a emergency or just for fun.
8/23/2016 02:47:30 pm
I think that the internet is for people who are interested in going to reasearch about a topic and learn something about it. I also think that the internet is to go to different websites and post anything that you want then whatever it is you can show people abut it and they will know what you're trying to show people. But actually in reality you can really do anything you want to in the internet. And there will be no right or wrong answer on what the internet is actually about.
8/23/2016 02:52:51 pm
Internet is a way to cennect with other people. it was made by man kind sowe dont have to keep making tripd all the time. just for one little puestion.it was made around the 1970 that about 50 years from now.its helps so much because we dont have to throw bricks into a window with a note on it saying stuff on it.
8/23/2016 02:53:56 pm
The internet is something that people use everyday,it can be a gift but it can also have some issues. For example you use the internet to never get lost in the streets, a school project, or to pay bills. Therefore it's something that million people use everyday. The perks of the internet is that it's something that can help someone in many ways such as entertaining someone, informing someone, or helping someone the internet may sound good and all but it also has some issues about it like cyberbully. Cyberbully is when someone maybe even a stranger hurts someone online by saying an insecurity about someone or posting it. The internet can do that to. It can also be an issue to parents because maybe they want to spend time with their kids but they always see them using the internet that they never can. The internet has been here for many years and it's probably going to be here for many more years.
8/23/2016 02:55:03 pm
Internet was invented a few years ago.Internet is a resource that allows you to look at other resources.It is meant for letting you know answers to questions.Internet can be tricky at times,it might give you a virus or something like that.The internet helps you as well by letting you go to more resources. Internet also allows you to know whats happening .
8/23/2016 02:55:25 pm
The internet is a thing that a lot of people use every single day. It is used to search up so many things you can't even imagine. Its something everyone can use they just have to find a device to use it on.The internet has a lot of social media sites where people talk to each other. When you get bored you usually just find something to do on the internet. I know I and my family do that a lot of times. The internet can be a way for some one to learn something which I have seen before. A lot of people think the internet is a get a way vacation when their under a lot of stress but I don't like to think of it as that. For emits a great way to improve my education.The internet is really just a big sever that holds a lot of social media sites.
8/23/2016 02:55:38 pm
I think the internet is for studying ,the internet is being used without people studying they watch youtube and other stuff.I personally think that the internet is for you to do your work.People use the internet or other stuff and thats fine but mostly i think its for your work not for videos but work .Its fine to use the internet when your work is done, i say that most of the kids get distracted with the internet and forget to do their work.Other people might think diffent about the internet because those are their opinions .
Daphne Garcia
8/23/2016 02:56:36 pm
I think the internet is for people who like going on it and looking up an infinit amount of information. The internet is actually an advanced way of looking up information that you might need. This is a helpful webstie where it helps you with things you need like playing games, researching or get on social media. The internet is used for people looking up any type of information they might need.
8/23/2016 02:57:13 pm
The Internet is really Something. The reason I use a capital "S" is because the Internet has respectfully, basically and maybe legitimately someday, become it's own universe. It's a whole different source we haven't fully opened our eyes to. Mostly everyone today has access to the Internet and use it every second they can. It can be fascinating. It can be boring. It can be fun and humorous. It can be sickening. And we'll never really grow out of it, it's sort of a "lifetime" thing. Especially for us (kids around my age), it has always been there and we now believe it always will. Maybe sometimes we rely on it too much.... okay, we depend on the Internet to benefit our lives forever by the click of the mouse. But sometimes it does. Sometimes, it really doesn't. No matter for what reason or the outcome it brings, the Internet is the Something that won't die down, the Something that this new age advances in, the Something that can't be explained in this paragraph or the next that brings.
8/23/2016 02:57:25 pm
Internet is something that is used for computers, phones, i Pads, etc. You can ask any questions on the internet and it will give you the answer. You get billions and billions of answers. So, if you don't feel like one of the answers you can look at another. You can go on Google, Youtube, or any game. That's why internet is so important in human life. You can use it for school projects, if you have any questions. I find it useful in my life because I need it for school, but mostly Youtube. But, you should stay on the internet for too long, it is bad for your eyes.
8/23/2016 02:57:57 pm
I feel like the internet has take over the world! Just think about it everything has gone digital! Well, anyways the internet is used for a ton of things. The internet can be a place of entertainment, learning or whatever you want! Some people really like the internet because it makes thing easier. Email is a very useful tool it gives people the ability to communicate whether it's buisness communication or personal communication it's still very useful. Another great ability the internet has is that you can watch informational videos, tutorial videos, and even entertaining videos. This is useful because the videos you watch can teach you or show you show you something for example a documentary can teach you about dinosaur or another topic.
8/23/2016 02:58:13 pm
The internet is helpful because when ever you might need something you could just go and seach it up and there your informaton is down there and what is the internet it's a website that helps you laern about whats happening around the world and it's just good to have around casue sometimes it's just need so thats the internet . thanks internet.
8/23/2016 03:00:45 pm
The internet is where you can browse stuff. Like google images, dictionary, car website to buy cars etc. You can also use the internet to play PC video games and to email people. So For Example: If you need to find where San Fransico is you can go to the internet and search up Sanfransico in google maps. You can watch a lot of videos in the internet. you can also search topic like history, science, economy etc.
8/23/2016 03:00:45 pm
The internet is a system that a lot of people use on certin ways it could be use on phones,tablets,computers all sorts of things.The internet is sometimes for just having fun or sometimes it could be use for doing your homework.Another way on using it is by looking up something when you dont want to use the dictionary and is a faster way on getting along more faster than looking for it on the dictionary.The internet is way faster because long time ago people had to do things on hand beacause their was no internet but now their is and is way raster like this.Internet also sometimes works on finding for jobs.
8/23/2016 03:01:13 pm
the internet is a place where you can look at thing so that you can get in for mashan but at the same time people still put up new information so you can see what it is.ok there reason why we have internet is because you can look up thing when you need it fast not when you just put a time for your self and look for a library to study for hours. but you can look it up and it will show you what you need and what you look up. i think that the internet is a place where there is a lot of information you find that you will see with books or knolege for other people.
8/23/2016 03:02:06 pm
I think the internet is a place where you can find your resources. Also I think its a place where you can do homework, play some music, play games, be on social media, gives you ideas and for business people to work on. Probaly people making buissness can start on. Students use the internet to help them with homework or even read/see about something that can help them. If people want to find out things they dont know then they search it up and try to look for the answer. The internet can help students any ages Like for example elementry kids can practice their typing. Middle school kids do project and/or finding reserach. High school kids turn in essays and look up information. Having the internets very useful because it helps us so much. Teachers use the internet to show students any project ideas or show them a video on something very important. The internet tells us what is happening around the world like trouble or good news. It also helps people start their career. The internet is used for navigation.
8/23/2016 03:03:28 pm
The internet is a place were you can do almost any thing you can make a blog, play games, watch gaming videos, any thing but the internet is also a very dagerus place because people can hack your a count or [if your computer has a camera] you can be spyed on by differnt people.The internet is also a place for learning and education for the new generation so the internet can do wonders so now the new world can do almost any thing and people love it that's why the internet is so big because you can do almost any thing and play games but now the internet has done wondes for the world like help find ciminals and help people in the medical filed. the internet is now the best thing in the world. The internet is a wide veriedy of things like a teacher. The internet has aloud our world to grow and evolv so we can deal with the problms that face us as humens so then we can do the things we do.
8/23/2016 03:05:05 pm
The internet is were you can search any thing by just typing any thing you want .you can use the internet for looking for videos or studying for your homework or to do any thing you want.Thd internet can be used for a lot of things like Facebook,twitter,instergram,snapchatand others like to check out some one website . Another thing what the internet is for is to look for things you want to kern and you can basically look for any thing you look for .but you cant just start to search for any thing you look for because just search one thing up because some websites ask for credit cards and by giving your credit card info you could just get hacked easily .You have to be care full when you use the internet because you canget a lot of virusis and you won't be able to use your internet.when using the internet you need to be careful not trying to download any thing like lets you want to get an app on your comuter but it cost money and so instead you search up how to get games by downloading and next you know you end up with the cops at your for illegally downloading some thing and you knew you shouldn't do it. so when your in the internet you have to be careful,so thats all you need about the internet ,hope you lerned.
8/23/2016 03:05:11 pm
the internet is something you have on your computer or phone and it a place where you could search manythings.if you want to get news but you don't get news papers anymore check the internet.it also for website that you like to look at.you could also start a business. the internet is a really big place there so many things you could do. for example search website,send emails,play games, watch videos. it a faster way to do stuff than doing everything with are hands like typing to easyer to type than write.read a book online than wondering where you left your book.
8/23/2016 03:05:17 pm
Internet is a place where you could search up things that you have never heard about and it helps you see new things that you have never seen in the world or where you could create websites about yourself or what dose it have to do with your self. Internet is use for manny things such as playing games or texting your friends, or watching youtube, or googling what you need help with and it is just like doing research and it could give you answers that you need help with but not using it for everything . With out any internet everything that we do in the internet everything will be slow or sometimes it would not let you do what you want to do. With out internet everything will be frustrated bcause people would not know who to ask when they need help. But also the internet is one that you realy want to spend that much time in it only on things that could really help when you need it, and sometimes it could be use for playing or doing what you want to do but sometimes you could get addicted to it and sometimes it could drive you nuts. But the internet is mostly people who need it.
8/23/2016 03:08:28 pm
The internet is a place were you search things like images, news, and information that you need and it helps you . People use it for finding out what has been happening or if they need help in their homework . Also some people use to go on social media if you dont have the app .People also use it to go to websites and other places. A example can be lets say you want to travel and you dont know what is the brest price of the hotel and the flight so you can go and search best deals on the place you want to travel to and it will show you and then you go to a website and it can help you. some people use the internet to start a buis
8/23/2016 03:08:38 pm
The internet for me is really helpful because it helps me with my homework. I also think that the internet is somewhere were you could get information about a topic that i need help on. For example projects about dinosaurs. the internet is there for people to research about information they are interested on.
8/23/2016 03:09:58 pm
The internet is thing where you can see different websites. Internet is often used to go to different websites and search thing up. Internet is for searching up
8/23/2016 03:10:15 pm
The internet is one thing that has changed our world and is what lead us to write hear today.The internet is a what a bunch of people use. People use it for many diffrent things such as watching videos and movies or reading news.The internet is another thing that helps people gain fame either by making videos or publishing stories .The internet is the biggest media outlet saying everthing whether it is about hollywood or things that are happening across the world.The internet lets you not only see but really communicate to people across the world even if they may be in china or anywhere else. It also lets you discover things you would of never thought existed. That is why i think the internet is what helps us learn and explore our creativity every day
8/24/2016 02:54:04 pm
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